Case: Developing Sanitation Solutions and Tackling Complex Challenges in Accra
![Decorative image depicting a man holding the flag of Ghana.](
Image by Asiama Junior (via Pexels)
Case: Developing Sustainable Urban and Periurban Agriculture in São Paulo
![Decorative image from the São Paulo Project depicting two of the farmers harvesting by hand.](
Image by Thiago Benedetti / PMSP
Case: Arena for Establishing Breivoll as a Productive, Sustainable Micro-city
![Decorative image that depicts a small corner of a parking lot, a drain, and a bush.](
Image from Pexels (credit: Harry Cooke)
Case: The DAW Project
![Decorative image of solar panels.](
Image from Pixabay
Case: The Sonoma County Wine Growers Electrification Project
![The image shows the electric Ford Lightening cargo truck. The front is open to show that there is free space inside it.](
Image from Jacob Torfing
Case: Musicon Craftsman Dormitory
![Image of the Musicon Craftsman Dormitory. A woman is in foreground with a variety of building materials such as bricks, wires, and powertools. In the background a man is likewise working on something.](
Image from Frame & Work / The BRF Foundation.