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Musicon Craftsman Dormitory

Location: Roskilde, Denmark

Time span: 2022 – 2027

Green SDGs: 11, 12, 13

Partners: Hele Landet – Social Architects, the BRF Foundation and the Foundation for Craftsman Dormitories, Niras, pupils at Roskilde Technical College Somewhere Public Art Agency, Tømrermester Nicolaisen, Roskilde municipality, and 3 teams consisting of architectural firms, engineering firms, experts, and artists.

Musicon Craftsman Dormitory is situated in the Musicon area, a newly developed urban area in Roskilde that focuses on culture, sustainability and co-creation. The project is initiated and funded by the BRF Foundation and the Foundation for Craftsman Dormitories, which have an overall focus on establishing dormitories for young people enrolled in vocational educations. Additionally, the project has a strong focus on sustainability, and it is a requirement from the local municipality that the final dormitory obtains a sustainability certification. Musicon Craftsman Dormitory is currently in the final stages of its design process, which has involved multiple workshops with future users of the dormitory, namely craftsman pupils from Roskilde Technical College. The workshops have been facilitated by the social architect firm Hele Landet. During these workshops, different prototypes of the future dormitory have been constructed within the old industrial hall where the dormitory will ultimately be built, and these prototypes have been continuously adapted to the perspectives and wishes of the craftsman pupils. Inputs and evaluations from the pupils obtained through these workshops have consequently informed the requirements in the prospectus for the dormitory’s recently launched architectural competition, in which 3 teams involving architectural firms, engineering firms, experts, and artists are currently participating. The design phase of Musicon Craftsman Dormitory is set to be concluded in the summer of 2023 and it is expected that the dormitory will be ready to welcome its first residents in 2027.

In GOGREEN, we define the green SDGs as the following SDGs: SDG 6, SDG 7, SDG 11, SDG 12, SDG 13, SDG 14, SDG 15

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