GOGREEN logo. It says GOGREEN in light green. Underneath, in dark green, it says: "Governing Green Transitions". There is a green square that frames the text on the left.

Case: The DAW Project

Location: Mafraq Governorate

Case study conducted by: Dr. Walaa Al-Husban, Center for Strategic Studies – University of Jordan

Main contact point in the case: Prof. Zaid Eyadat, the Director of Center for Strategic Studies

Time span of case: 7 months to one year.

Green SDGs focused on: 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities; 7 Affordable and Clean Energy; 13 Climate Action.

Partners in the case: EDAMA Energy, Water and Environment and Yellow Door Energy

Data sources in case analysis: Interviews, documents, observations, mini-survey

Decorative image of solar panels.

DAW” project aims to raise job opportunities in the less fortunate Jordanian regions through training on the installation and maintenance of photovoltaic cells. In its pilot phase, the project targets the youth of the Mafraq region, where the project aims to qualify the trainees by providing them with scientific, practical, and technical skills to learn how to install and maintain photovoltaic cells. The project includes four main axes: (1) training and continuous qualification for an intensive period of three months, where the trainees obtain certificates confirming that they have passed the practical requirements that enable them to work in the installation and maintenance of photovoltaic cells. (2) The training follows the selection of volunteers from the program to start installing photovoltaic cells with a capacity of 20 kilowatts in a community center, which will be selected later, according to specific criteria. (3) Providing maintenance and technical support for a period of one year from the date of completion of the project. (4) Implementing a mentoring program to help young people find job opportunities in the field of installing and maintaining photovoltaic cells by connecting the trainees with specialized and experienced mentors from the company.

In GOGREEN, we define the green SDGs as the following SDGs: SDG 6, SDG 7, SDG 11, SDG 12, SDG 13, SDG 14, SDG 15

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