The GOGREEN research project is a global initiative led by Roskilde University and funded by the Danish independent Research Council from 2022 to 2026. The project’s objective is to identify the constellation of governance factors driving the successful co-creation of green transitions. To achieve this goal, GOGREEN employs an innovative research strategy that invites local teams from all over the world to contribute case studies of local co-creation of green transitions. These case studies are then used to build a global database on collaborative governance of green transitions. As of 2024, research partners from 27 countries in all parts of the world have been enlisted to execute 36 case studies. The database will provide a solid foundation for improving the governance of green transitions, complementing technical knowledge about how to build a sustainable future.
The research partnership represents a collective effort to study co-creation projects from a global comparative perspective, examining governance factors such as legal responsibilities, strategies for inclusive and empowered participation, mechanisms for conflict mediation, and access to blended financing. Following in the footsteps of Nobel Prize winner Elinor Ostrom, the project challenges the presumption that governments are better suited than users, citizens, private firms, and civil society organizations to generate green solutions that protect our climate, natural resources, and biodiversity. Therefore, the focus is on the strength of local partnerships, and the project posits that local arenas for co-creation are important levers for change. GOGREEN will evaluate the outcomes of local co-creation projects and study the institutional and organizational designs, forms of governance, and leadership that condition the co-creation of innovative green solutions.
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